LF11 - Log for 11 meters LF11 - Log for 11 meters
I've started development works on LF11. It is website for loggging QSO's on 11 meters. Feel free to register and try LF11.
  • It is and will be free
  • It is fast and secure
  • Google Maps integration
  • LF11 Cluster - yet another Cluster for 11 meters :)
try it and send me your opinion.
Independence Day Activation by Alfa Tango Independence Day of Poland.
I'd like to invite all of you to take a part in 161AT/ID contest. Special Event Stations will be available on
7-8 and 14-15 November 2015. Feel free to look on our Official ID website - id.alfatango.pl

I'll be 161AT/ID40 (first weekend) and 47/161AT/ID (second weekend)
47AT21547AT215 - my callsign from Denmark

I just moved to Denmark. I do my best to be back on the radio. Now with very basic equipment. Kenwood TS850S / TS480SAT, old and good Turner +3 and 1/2 dipole on balcony. My new callsign from Denmark is 47AT215

Hope to be back on the air with better antenna soon :)
Polish Contest 2013 Alfa Tango Polish Contest 2013
AT Polish contest is almost there. Are you taking part?
Independence Day Activation by Alfa Tango Independence Day of Poland.
I'd like to invite all of you to take a part in 161AT/ID contest. Special Event Stations will be available in
10-11 and 17-18 November 2012. Feel free to look on Official ID website. id.alfatango.pl

I'll be 161AT/ID40

I'd like to ask you to add my banner to your site. Give me a note and I'll place you link on my site.

banner 161at215_greg
<a href="http://161at215.nstrefa.pl/"><img src="http://161at215.nstrefa.pl/images/banners/banner_161at215_greg.png" alt="banner 161at215_greg" width="468" height="60">

Solar activity
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